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Ian Lavis
Feb 273 min read
Writing insights with AI could cost you
Fast forward a year. Almost everyone is using AI to produce insights. It’s quick, it’s easy – and it’s risky. We know the power of AI to...

Ian Lavis
Oct 12, 20232 min read
How I add value as a content writer.
I’ll let you into a secret: You don't need to be a techie to write about fintech. Or an engineer to write about nuclear engineering. But...

Ian Lavis
Jan 18, 20233 min read
The words you need
How do you write for your target audiences in compelling English?
Ian Lavis
Sep 7, 20221 min read
You are the expert. I am the conveyor.
How can I write with authority if I am not an expert in your industry? The answer is simple: My job as a content writer is to convey...
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